What Does a Commercial Insurance Policy Provide?

A commercial insurance policy is a great choice when you have a business and need to protect it from claims and other types of harm. If you’re in the Lafayette, IN area and looking for this kind of coverage, Blevins Insurance Agency is here to help. Our agents are committed to ensuring you get the right coverage and protection so you can focus on other areas of your business and keep it running smoothly. 

A commercial policy is designed to protect a business instead of a home and can cover many different things. There are options for riders, coverage levels, and other adjustments, so you can create something that gives you peace of mind and helps you feel confident that your business is protected. Whether you have a brand new company you’re trying to get off the ground or you’ve been in business for a while, a suitable policy can make all the difference.

Working with one of our agents will help you get multiple quotes from different insurers so you can choose the one that’s right for you. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and make it easy to compare the quotes we provide. Then, you can select a policy you feel good about and ensure you’re getting the right type and coverage for your needs. From protecting your building and equipment to covering yourself against customer claims, you have options.

Contact us today at Blevins Insurance Agency if you’re in the Lafayette, IN area and looking for a commercial insurance policy. We’ll help you find a new one or update the one you already have so you can keep growing and developing your business without worrying about the level of protection you have.

Can Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Your Engagement Ring?

Engagement rings are dear, symbolizing a commitment to the one you plan to spend the rest of your life with. Whether you’re recently engaged or have been married for years, knowing your engagement ring is adequately insured is comforting. If you’re a new homeowner and wish to protect your engagement ring and other precious jewelry, our team at Blevins Insurance Agency in Lafayette, IN, can guide you on your options.

Can Homeowners Insurance Cover an Engagement Ring?

Some homeowners insurance policies offer coverage for valuables such as your engagement ring. However, these policies have predefined limits and terms that may not allow complete compensation for your ring’s value. You’ll have to investigate your policy carefully and consult one of our insurance agents to clarify whether your specific policy provides adequate coverage for your ring. If the value of your ring exceeds the policy limits, other insurance options might be appropriate.

Knowing the worth of your jewelry is essential when discussing insurance options, as it aids in evaluating your coverage needs. Understanding the other valuables your current policy covers is also crucial. An open conversation with knowledgeable professionals at our office is the best way to determine the proper insurance course.

Call our Blevins Insurance Agency office in Lafayette, IN, for more details regarding homeowners insurance.

Choosing a Life Insurance Policy for Seniors in Indiana

Even as a senior living in the Lafayette, IN region, it’s important to protect your assets, investments, and family with the security of the right life insurance policy. Selecting a life insurance policy suitable for seniors in Lafayette, IN doesn’t have to feel overwhelming once you’re familiar with the various options and the benefits each type of policy offers. With the assistance of insurance agencies like Blevins Insurance Agency, comparing life insurance policies suitable for seniors, regardless of your net worth and the assets you wish to protect, can be a straightforward process.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance policies typically last a lifetime and are considered permanent coverage policies. These policies require higher premiums but offer a guaranteed death benefit for those who consistently pay into the coverage for many years or even decades.

Term Life Insurance

Another option that seniors in Lafayette, IN might consider is term life insurance. This type of insurance protects specific terms, such as 10 years, 20 years, and more. It’s ideal for temporary needs and protection. However, once the term is up, the policy expires, removing any additional protection.

Universal Insurance Policies

A universal policy might be right for you if you’re searching for permanent life insurance policies with flexible death benefits and premiums. Policyholders can also adjust premiums and coverage needs as required. Moreover, these policies accumulate cash value over time.

At Blevins Insurance Agency, we can help seniors living around Lafayette, IN, find life insurance that offers protection and peace of mind. Contact Blevins Insurance Agency directly today to learn more about life insurance policies and premium options available for seniors in Lafayette, IN.

Essential Auto Insurance Coverages for Lafayette IN Motorists

If you are a new driver seeking to learn more about insurance or a seasoned driver needing to update your coverage, this is the guide for you!

Blevins Insurance Agency in Lafayette highlights essential auto insurance coverages in the guide below.

Essential Auto Insurance Coverages for Lafayette, IN Motorists

Liability Insurance for State Minimums

All drivers on Indiana roads must have liability insurance to meet state minimums in case of an at-fault accident that results in extensive financial damages, medical damages, or personal injuries to other drivers.

Indiana liability insurance includes coverages for bodily injury, which helps reduce medical expenses, lost wages, and legal claims from injured drivers who file suits against at-fault drivers.

Comprehensive and Collision

Local motorists seeking full coverage auto insurance protections that shield them in the event of at-fault accidents and no-fault accidents get total coverage when they opt for a comprehensive and collision benefits policy.

Comprehensive and Collision policies protect policyholders from accidents, auto theft, vandalism, natural disasters, animal collisions, and many non-collision-related auto incidents that would normally cost hundreds or thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses.

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage

There’s nothing worse than being a victim of an auto accident and finding out that the driver who is at fault has no insurance or inadequate insurance that doesn’t cover the cost of medical expenses, damages, or legal fees related to an auto accident. Full coverage insurance policies can include uninsured or underinsured coverages that offset these costs.

Get Total Auto Protection from Blevins Insurance Agency in Lafayette, IN

Contact the trusted local insurance professionals at Blevins Insurance Agency to learn more about how you can get essential auto insurance coverages and total insurance protections for your Indiana ride today!

What If I Decide Against Obtaining Commercial Insurance?

Owning a business is an exciting and fulfilling investment, and like any investment, protecting it is important. One way to protect your new business is to ensure that you purchase and maintain a top-quality insurance policy. However, you might decide that commercial insurance isn’t affordable, causing you to consider foregoing it. Here are the possible consequences of going without commercial insurance coverage:

You Could Be Sued

There are many reasons why a customer, visitor, or other person on your business’ property might bring a lawsuit against you. Perhaps the person was injured while on your property or felt wronged somehow. Regardless of the reason, you could be sued. If the person wins the lawsuit and your company is uninsured, you will be required to pay for damages out of pocket. 

You Could Lose Your Business

There is no way to predict the possible issues that your uninsured business could experience. You could become involved in a car accident in a company car or experience any number of other possible incidents that could cause you to pay out of pocket to fix it. Whether you must pay for the repair or replacement of a vehicle or something else, costs can add up quickly, which could result in you losing your business. 

As you can see, not only is commercial insurance typically required by lenders, but it’s also quite risky to go without it. If you’re seeking a commercial insurance agency for a business in Lafayette, IN, we are available at Blevins Insurance Agency. At Blevins Insurance Agency, we go above and beyond to ensure all our customers’ needs are exceeded, and we want to do the same for you. We provide coverage for Lafayette, IN, and beyond, so don’t hesitate to contact us for a quote. 

Solar Panels: A Guide For Insuring Your Home Panels

Installing solar panels is eco-friendly and can cover a good amount (if not all) of your utility bills over time. However, determining if your insurance policy covers them can protect this major investment. Panels mounted on the roof are likely considered part of the structure and qualify for coverage.

Yet, some types of panels might not be covered, such as solar carports or ground-mounted solar panels, and some companies won’t cover them at all. A supplemental policy may sometimes be necessary to determine where home policies leave off. These are also called add-ons or riders in the realm of insurance.

Is There Coverage if Solar Panels Are Damaged? Installation

For starters, it will help to work with an experienced team in solar systems, especially if you have coverage in place before installing them. Otherwise, your insurance might not cover this damage, resulting in out-of-pocket expenses. You’ll be able to confirm coverage with your agent about damage during installation but be prepared to show that they are qualified professionals when doing so.

What Homeowners Should Know About Coverage

Traditional home insurance policies usually do not cover floods and earthquakes in storm-damage-prone areas. However, most insurers provide an add-on to cover them as well with a supplemental policy. In many hurricane-prone states, standard home insurance policies will likely not include wind insurance without a rider.

Considering Installing Home Solar Panels?

Before taking this action, discuss the matter with your insurance company to ensure that your home insurance or a supplemental policy will cover them from installation through completion. Here at Blevins Insurance Agency in Lafayette, IN, we’re here to answer all your questions and help you protect your investment.

Choosing Your Life Insurance Beneficiaries from Blevins Insurance Agency

The importance of beneficiaries in relation to life insurance policies is often underestimated. The selection process can be daunting, requiring careful planning and thought. At Blevins Insurance Agency in Lafayette, IN, we appreciate the significance of this decision and offer our expertise to guide you through the complexities of appointing your life insurance beneficiaries. We aim to empower you to make informed decisions that secure the financial future of your loved ones.

Tips to Choose Your Life Insurance Beneficiaries

The careful selection of life insurance beneficiaries is a pivotal decision. First and foremost, it’s vital to periodically review and revise your list of beneficiaries in line with changing life circumstances. This ensures that the appropriate individuals or organizations receive the policy payout in the unfortunate event of your demise.

Similarly, while making your choice, assess the financial needs of your potential beneficiaries. Understanding how the insurance payout can support you during challenging times helps you make a more informed decision.

The Importance of Primary and Contingent Beneficiaries

It is also advisable to designate both primary and contingent beneficiaries. While primary beneficiaries are the first to receive the insurance payout upon your passing, contingent beneficiaries can claim the payout if the primary beneficiaries are unable to. This dual designation allows for greater flexibility and ensures that your insurance proceeds are distributed according to your wishes.

Reach Out to Blevins Insurance Agency

At Blevins Insurance Agency in Lafayette, IN, we’re here to help you navigate all aspects of life insurance policy setup, including beneficiary designation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with an experienced agent and explore your options for securing the future of your loved ones.

How Auto Insurance Can Protect You If Your Car Is Stolen

Mitigating Risks With Auto Insurance: A Closer Look

Car theft might seem like an ill-timed stroke of luck, but it’s an alarming reality today, especially for owners with critical fobs and push-button starts. Leaving your keys in the car upon reaching your destination might be convenient, but it also offers easy access to car thieves. The right auto insurance policy can provide you with peace of mind whether the theft occurs from a public place or straight out of your driveway. At Blevins Insurance Agency, we provide our clients in Lafayette, IN, with personalized assistance and recommendations to protect their vehicles.

How Does Auto Insurance Provide a Safety Net?

In case of car theft, your auto insurance policy could potentially save the day. A comprehensive coverage plan could not only cover a car rental in the interim but also offer compensation for your lost vehicle, depending on the specific terms of your policy. If your car cannot be retrieved, your policy might cover its actual cash value or replacement cost. After your deductible has been paid, your auto insurance policy will cover the remainder. It’s important to stay updated with your policy specifics and understand how well it aligns with your individual risk profile. With the right insurance coverage, you can be safeguarded from the financial implications of car theft.

Let’s Refresh Your Auto Insurance Policy

If your auto insurance hasn’t been revised in a while, now might be a good time for a check-in. Allow our experienced agents at Blevins Insurance Agency to review your current policy and provide insights on the adequacy of cover and possible adjustments. Our clients throughout Lafayette, IN, trust us for comprehensive auto insurance advice and coverage that safeguards their vehicles from unforeseen circumstances.

When Your Business Takes You Into Customer Properties

Commercial insurance helps cover liability for businesses when they send people, including the owner, onto customer premises, into homes, and elsewhere where problems could occur.

Small Businesses Are Usually Quite Vulnerable to Liability Losses

Businesses like real estate photography, landscaping, and cleaning may not have the kinds of concerns that carpenters, electricians, and plumbers have when visiting a home. If they knock over a valuable vase, stain a valuable rug, or break a window, it could be a major problem for a small business with limited assets. At Blevins Insurance Agency, we can help you in Lafayette, IN to make sure you’re covered, so you can grow your business knowing one false move isn’t likely to clear out your bank account.

Reach for the Stars with Confidence

For your small business, you probably look forward to gaining bigger clients and working at more impressive properties. As a photographer, for instance, photographing a million-dollar home is an important portfolio example as well as good business. You’ll probably be working around costly items, and risking being held liable for damage that occurs. With commercial insurance, you have coverage and help defend yourself in case controversy arises. At Blevins Insurance Agency, we can help you with identifying risks and finding commercial coverage that would work for your business in Lafayette, IN.

We Can Help Your Business Grow with Carefully Selected Insurance Coverage

Commercial insurance isn’t the only way we can help your business. Let us build a package for your specific business, including vehicle coverage and insurance for your employees as your company grows. There are ways we can even help your business continue if you’re no longer able to run it. Your small business can have help staying on track and thriving with less worry!

Tips for making your home safer

Your home is your safe haven, and at Blevins Insurance Agency in Lafayette, IN, we want to make sure that insurance is not something you have to worry about when it comes to safety. We make sure your coverage fits your home and life and that you know the things that can make your home safer today and into the future. 

Tips for making your home safer

Add a home security system

Home security has never been more affordable than it is today. Many simple and inexpensive home security systems require no installation, and you are able to monitor your home when you are away on your smartphone. From a simple camera doorbell to window and door alarms, you can add as much or as little as you need to feel safe. 

Be prepared for a fire

Do a periodic check of your smoke alarms to make sure they are working and that the battery backup is as well. Clean your furnace and chimney yearly to stay ahead of the game. Have a fire extinguisher that is easy to access if the need arises. 

Have an escape plan

It is important to have an emergency escape plan. The entire family needs to know exactly where they should gather in the event of an emergency or how they should escape their room if an emergency arises. You also need an evacuation route and maybe even two that you can choose from depending on what the emergency is. 

Get a generator

A generator allows you to have water, heat, and electricity in the event that the power goes out. It can make all the difference when it is cold or hot outdoors to keep you safe. 

Call Today To Discuss Your Options

Reach out to our office on the phone or in person. At Blevins Insurance Agency in Lafayette, IN, we are here for you.