3 Tips for First-Time Home and Home Insurance Buyers

Unlike auto insurance, state law doesn’t necessarily require you to have this type of coverage. However, this does not mean you shouldn’t. As a first-time homebuyer in Lafayette, IN, here is some information Blevins Insurance Agency wants to ensure you’re equipped with.

Your Lender Likely Requires It

Although some states don’t mandate home insurance, you are likely required to have it if you are financing your home through a mortgage lender or bank. Home insurance is one of those things that protects the financial institution’s interests in the event of a calamity. Make sure that you purchase more than the outstanding loan amount, which ensures you are able to recover built-up equity after a disaster.

It Offers Personal Liability Protection

Most people only know home insurance as protection for their home and belongings; however, it is more than that. It also offers coverage when someone is injured while at your home. It covers the medical and or legal costs as well as repair costs to their property if damage occurs to it.

Focus on Value Instead of Price

As with many things in life, you may want to try to save money where you can and opt for the cheapest home insurance policy. However, you should focus on the best value policy. In other words, look for the best bang for your buck. Take a close look at the policy limits, deductible amounts, what is and isn’t covered, etc. Ideally, you want to invest in a home insurance policy that has the fewest exclusions, offers more coverage for your losses, and requires less of a deductible when filing a claim.

If you need help figuring out the best home insurance policy for you and your individual situation, reach out to the professionals at Blevins Insurance Agency, an insurance agency that serves the Lafayette, IN area.